Monday, August 31, 2015

Some Of My Favorite Writing

Mentioned below I will have 10 of my favorite selections of poems, fictional stories, and nonfictional stories combined that I wrote on my wix blog & the link where all of my readers can check out.

A Letter To Paul Brightly

God Saved A Hoodlum Poem

The Cafeteria Lady Poem

Fictional Story: Thanksgiving Plans

Fictional Story: The Wedding Vows Poem

Fictional Story: The Hitchhiker Reflecting What Happened 3 Years Ago

Fictional Story: Christopher Sanders Story

My Testimony: My Spiritual Birthday (31 Years Today I've Been Saved)

Some Paintings That I Like By The Different Artists

Some Career Jobs That People Do

To all of all of my readers & fellow writers I just thought I would put 10 of my favorite writing that I've done from my other website wix. I want to encourage if you are hidden talented like me to do what you love to do. Writers inspire other writers to showcase their hidden talent. Don't let negative people discourage you from following your dreams. I just want to encourage all of the writers to write from the heart because your readers will enjoy your writing when it comes from the heart.